Monday, March 31, 2008

good Thai morning..

I awoke this morning super early at around 3:40am. I guess the time change has obviously set in. It was nice to hear the bird chirping. I say bird because it sounded like just one bird was flying around outside. It's now 8:48 and I figured I would add a couple pictures of the view from my room.

Love is Life



tobo said...

thanks for the updates - greetings to naia kete on her arrival

Anonymous said...

i see you're staying at cushy plush resorts! hehe, glad you got there safely brother...i'm thinking of you everyday! bless, s

Unknown said...

Steve- beautiful my friend. Love and safety be with you... right now you and Kete must be asleep in THAILAND!! Crazy.
Kete- I can't wait to hear that you're there safe, although I trust that completely. So much love to you across this expanding bubble of ours. L-O-V-E IS L-I-F-E

kalpana said...

thinking of the two of you.... the land your on, the people, the heat (!), the smells, the sights....rhythms of universal love to you. and to you my daughter- the deepest, highest, boldest ray of love enveloping your mighty soul. kiss the children for me.