I awoke this morning super early at around 3:40am. I guess the time change has obviously set in. It was nice to hear the bird chirping. I say bird because it sounded like just one bird was flying around outside. It's now 8:48 and I figured I would add a couple pictures of the view from my room.

Love is Life
thanks for the updates - greetings to naia kete on her arrival
i see you're staying at cushy plush resorts! hehe, glad you got there safely brother...i'm thinking of you everyday! bless, s
Steve- beautiful my friend. Love and safety be with you... right now you and Kete must be asleep in THAILAND!! Crazy.
Kete- I can't wait to hear that you're there safe, although I trust that completely. So much love to you across this expanding bubble of ours. L-O-V-E IS L-I-F-E
thinking of the two of you.... the land your on, the people, the heat (!), the smells, the sights....rhythms of universal love to you. and to you my daughter- the deepest, highest, boldest ray of love enveloping your mighty soul. kiss the children for me.
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