So yesterday we finally were able to finish painting the wall. There was threat of rain which would have put us out of luck but we were able to pull it off. We couldn't have done it without my dear friend Maemay, who I titled the best dressed painter in the world. She came in all dressed up and asked what she could do. So I gave her a paint brush and she saved us a ton of time. Thank you so much to her. I also want to thank my friends from Australia who gave a generous donation this week which in turn paid for all the paint and supplies for the wall. Thank you so much and here are the before and after pictures so you can see what your donation paid for.

And last but not least the ever wonderful Maemay.

Love is Life
Steve & Kete
The wall looks great the color blue is beautiful.I'm sure they all love it.Did you also paint the swing-set.Keep it up you guys are really making a big difference.
Love Mom
im so happy that day na!
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